Monday 20 December 2010

The Bare-faced Truth

If Style.Warriors questioned young British women about their morning routines and the lengths they go to in order to prepare themselves to face the world each  morning, I think putting make-up on would feature in the majority of daily routines. Make-up is like our war-paint, when you wear it you feel safe, protected from the feeling of inadequacy to other women.
There is nothing worse than beginning your day by glancing around the street and thinking, ‘they all look better than me’, we don’t like to admit it, but to us women, competition in our image is just about as fierce as what the FA Cup final is to men! I have no doubt that almost every member of the female sex we come into contact with, will be subject to a 10 second once-over observation, from the shine on her patent peep-toes to the curl on those mascara coated lashes, just to check she doesn’t look better than we do. If she does, honestly, we take an instant dislike to her, it doesn’t matter who she is but for those 10 seconds we resent her. If on the other hand we know she looks nowhere near as good as we do then we can thank her for brightening up our day!

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