Monday 17 January 2011

Tweet Tweet!

Recently I have noticed myself becoming so obsessed with Twitter, I just love it and I can't work out what makes it so good. None of my friends are on Twitter so I can't talk to people I know but I find myself checking my tweets at least every hour. I think part of what makes it so good is how it makes you feel you can get to know celebrities and really know everything about them. I must have wasted so many hours tweeting away trying to get a reply from some of my favourite celebrities, and when they do reply its amazing, you feel like you have won the lottery! Someone famous actually took the time to send a message to you, that has to mean something, right? I don't think Twitter is a bad thing, I would never have done this blog without it, but it makes you wonder what technology and communication is going to be like in ten years time. Babies will be born clutching Blackberrys, and why learn to play sport when you could just play X Box Kinect! Oh no, i'm beginning to sound like my mum so this is going to stop here! byeeeee!
:-) xxx

follow me on twitter @xoxsophieexox

Top Fashion Reading

I like to read so many different fashion magazines and books, so I thought i'd share some of my favourites with you:

Well there's really only one contender for my top spot! Its got to be Vogue, the best fashion bible there is. If you don't have it on subscription yet then I suggest you hurry up and order it! I find I always feel guilty if I tak cutting from Vogue- its just too expensive for that! I considered getting two subscriptions- one to keep and one to cut!- but I couldn't afford that so all my Vogue magazines are lined up in date order! 

I also love OK Magazine, it really is the best for celebrity gossip and they have a great Twitter page going on!

The other fashion magazine I read is Look Magazine, its like the High Street and affordable clothes version of Vogue magazine- it doesn't make you depressed because you can't afford anything!

So they are my favourite magazines and now for some of the best books i've found:

Sophie Kinsella- The Shopaholic series. These books will make you laugh out loud! The film 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' was based on them.

Alison Kervin- The Wag series. We should all just admit it, everyone is jealous of the WAG lifestyle!

Carmen Reid- the 'Shopper' series. These books are so inspirational and show how normal women can be succesful in fashion.

Hope these books help you enjoy some cosy winter evenings curled up on the sofa! Thanks to anyone reading my blog and i'd love to hear from you about any fashion books or magazines you like. Follow me on Twitter and let me know what you think of my blog!
:-) xx

My Desert Island Fashion Items

So we've probably all been asked the question, what 5 things would you take on a desert island? Now i'm going to decide what 5 fashion items I would take on a desert island

1. My first item would have to be my Loreal Volume Million Lashes mascara, I don't go anywhere without this mascara, its perfect for day or night, thickness or length, and the shiny gold looks quite posh in your handbag! If I could only wear one item of make-up it would always be this mascara, the difference once i've applied it is incredible, it makes me look wide awake, even if i'm feeling half asleep, and my eyes look so much bigger!

L'Oreal Paris Volume Million Lashes

2. My second item would be my Topshop body con skirt. I've talked about this skirt before and as most of my clothes are blue and white it goes with anything whatever time of year it is. I think every wardrobe needs to have one of these pieces of clothing that you can just pull on if you are having a bit of a fashion crisis!

3. My third item would be my new Paul's Boutique handbag. It is a perfect size to work for day or night and I just love this bag! I had it for Christmas this year and it has had so much use already. I think I can see why Cher Lloyd loves Paul's Boutique so much now, its just amazing!

4. My fourth item would be a pearl necklace. You might have seen the pearl necklaces I always wear in some of my posts so far, I just wear them all the time with any outfit I can. I like how they just make an outfit look much more fashiony and styled but you can still look relaxed with them. I even wore pearls with a tracksuit playing tennis in the summer!

My final item would be a white t-shirt because they go well with pearls, blue skirts and a paul's boutique bag. You just can't go wrong with a well fitting clean white t-shirt. I guess desert islands would be quite hot so white wouldn't make you too sticky, see I can even be practical!

Anyway so they are my items and I did this post today to cheer myself up really, apparently today is officialy Blue Monday, the most depressing day of 2011, well its nearly over so byeeee Blue Monday see you next year!

:-) xx

Sunday 9 January 2011

Today I'm Wearing...

Hiiii, so this was me getting ready this morning and I thought i'd share my outfit with you.
  • My skirt- well you're not going to believe this, my skirt is a denim body con skirt, and I bought it yesterday from Sainsburys for just £4.50!!!. It has to be the best bargain I have ever found. It fits perfectly and looks like the ones in Topshop that are way more expensive. I do shop in Topshop as well, not just supermarkets incase you're thinking i'm wierd! Anyway, I love this skirt and I will be able to wear it through the winter with jumpers, cardigans and wooly tights, like I am today, but I will also be able to wear it in the summer with bare legs and vest tops or t-shirts. This skirt is a very versatile and wearable item, I could't believe my luck when I found it!

  • My top- this top is a long sleeved. nautical style striped top. As I do more posts you will notice that I wear a lot of stripey clothes- so does my mum, its like a family trademark! The top i'm wearing today was from Topshop, it was quite a long time ago so I can't remember how much it was. I tried to keep the nautical theme going by wearing these pearls with the top. I love pearl necklaces, they just go with anything and make an outfit look much more fashiony (I don't even know if that's a word!).  

  • The cardigan- This cardigan is a long granny style cardigan. If you don't have a granny cardigan then you absolutely must get one! They are so comfortable and you can wear them over anything to keep cosy! Mine was from Marks and Spencer and I think I bought it in a sale back in the summer. I like this beige colour because even though its a wintery cardigan it isn't too dark and dull like lots of winter cardigans are. Other places where you can get good cardigans like these are: Topshop, Miss Selfridge and Dorothy Perkins. 

  • The bottom right photo is closer up, so you may be able to see my make-up easier. I am wearing Rimmel Match Perfection foundation, I would recommend this foundation, it blends in well and adapts to your skintone. I love wearing smudgy black eyeliner and I usually use pencil, the one i'm wearing today is the Natural Collection Soft pencil. These pencils are only £1.99 and I have found they are much better than most more expensive brands. I am also wearing mascara, you might have seen my earlier post about mascara, and today I am wearing the Loreal Millionize mascara. I think this is the best all rounder mascara it makes my lashes thicker, longer and darker, I never leave the house without my mascara. Finally, today I am wearing my new MAC lipstick, the colour is called 'Pink Noveau' and I think it suits my skintone well. I had this lipstick for Chrismas, it was the perfect stocking filler!

Hope you like my outfit, keep reading my blog and there will be more posts to come!

:-) xx

Thursday 6 January 2011

These Boots Were Made For Walking!

Hi to whoever is reading this, and if you are then I love you! I just want to share these pictures of my amazing new ankle boots I had for my birthday. They are from Marks and Spencer (I don't normally shop there!) they are still availiable online for £35, pretty good value don't you think? Mine are grey but they also come in black if thats more your thing!

I've found that these boots will go with just about any winter outfit, making it look much more stylish, i'll be posting pictures of my more recent outfits soon, so keep checking back for them!

:-) xx

The Bare Faced Truth

If I questioned young British women about their morning routines and the lengths they go to in order to prepare themselves to face the world each  morning, I think putting make-up on would feature in the majority of daily routines. Make-up is like our war-paint, when you wear it you feel safe, protected from the feeling of inadequacy to other women. The best feeling is when you have spent ages applying the perfect make-up, you look in the mirror and think, yeah I actually do look good today, you are instantly ready to face the world and whatever it throws at you.
There is nothing worse than beginning your day by glancing around the street and thinking, ‘they all look better than me’ if you start the day like this then you might as well just go home and sleep for the rest of the day becasue, lets face it, you will be in that mood when everything irritates you! We don’t like to admit it, but to us women, competition in our image is just about as fierce as what the FA Cup final is to men! (don't get me wrong I know women like football too, its just an example!) I have no doubt that almost every fellow female we come into contact with, will be subject to a brutal 10 second once-over observation, from the shine on her patent peep-toes to the curl on those mascara coated lashes, just to check she doesn’t look better than we do. We don't even make this observation subtle, if someone is giving you the once over then you know about it, an instant reaction to this is a quick hair flick or chaging your posture to make yourself look taller. If she does look better than you, honestly, we take an instant dislike to her, it doesn’t matter who she is but for those 10 seconds we resent her. If on the other hand we know she looks nowhere near as good as we do then we can thank her for brightening up our day! Harsh, but very true!
:-) xx

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Now These I Recommend!

Recently I bought the best false lashes I have ever found before.

These Eyelure Naturalites Double Lashes. They are layered to mkae it look like you are wearing two pairs of false lashes but there is only actually one pair to stick on, which makes them much easier to apply. They are £7.10 from Boots, more expensive than most pairs but they are completely worth it your look will be transformed! There's no need to spend forever applying individual fake lashes anymore- think of the time you'll save!

This picture shows how much extra volume the lashes added to my eyelashes, they even stand out through my glasses, I wore them to a party recently and everyone wanted to know where I got them.

Just a couple of pics

Aha, i've worked out how to make the picture black and white now! Incase you're wondering my jacket was from a shop in Paris, it was a french name so I can't remember, the top was from Matalan and the pearls are my Mum's again!

Tuesday 4 January 2011

I'm not obsessed with mascara.....

Hey everyone (that sounds strange when there's probably no one reading this!) here are some of my favourite mascaras. Mascara is my favourite make up item and I really couldn't survive without it.

These are the mascaras I recommend for different looks:

For lengthening lashes- Rimmel Lash Accelerator Mascara
For volume- Maybeline Falsies Mascara
For waterproof- Rimmel The Max Volume Flash Waterproof Mascara
For a natural everyday look- No7 Extreme Length Mascara
For all round perfect lashes- Loreal Volume Million Lashes

These are a few of my favourite things ...

Well not exactly, but the title sounded good- just thought of 'The Sound Of Music', I love that film! Anyway, here are some pictures of me in my favourite outfits!:

I absolutely love this blue skirt, you'll probably see a lot of pictures where i'm wearing this. Its from 'Topshop' and honestly, the best £22 i've ever spent. I find its just one of those things you can put on when you don't know what to wear. It just works whatever time of year it is! Have any of you got items like that? I'd love to hear what they are.
My bag is from 'Vanilla Paris' in London, an incredible shop, all their bags look like designer ones but are just a fraction of the price!- i'll stop now I sound like one of those annoying adverts!
  This picture is taken outside the Chanel shop in Paris, I did go in but i'm not rich and I couldn't even afford the cheapest item, a Chanel umbrella!

This is my favourite sequin dress, I owe it a big thankyou actually- it got me through the whole of the festive season last year! It was from Clothes Show Live in 2009 - they didn't have a changing room so I had to try it over jeans, very annoying, but it was just £15, what a bargain! I would have liked to wear it without the top underneath but it was just too cold!
I changed the second picture to black and white, is that good? I'm really new to this- as you can probably tell- and was trying to make it more arty, please tell me if its failed!

I've included this picture to remember my special pink coat. It died- not literally but it split down the back so I couldn't wear it anymore :( It was from TK Maxx qute a few years ago and was a bit like the blue skirt- I always wore it!
The dogtooth scarf was from the Clothes Show too, luckily it was much easier to try on than the sequin dress!

Talking of the Clothes Show, its terrible quality but this was me at the Clothes Show this year, it was interesting trying to squeeze through a small train door with such a large amount of shopping, they should make bigger doors!
You can't really see my clothes, but I wore my Granny's coat and customised it with a silver bow broach, took a bit of a tip from Gok Wan there!

Thats all for now, i'm starving, but i'll be back later with more posts!
Byeeeee! :-)

Not Anonymous Anymore!

Heyyy, so I was gonna keep my identity anonymous and not use pictures of myself but i've decided thats boring so here I am!

I think I can be a lot more honest if you all know who I am!
In this photo I'm wearing:
 A long flowery top from Matalan (I know, its embarassing that I have clothes from there!)
2 sets of pearls which are my Mum's (I suppose I could call them vintage, that sounds better!)
The earrings (can't be seen very clearly in this photo) but they are silver ball shapes and I would love to tell you where they're from but I can't because they were a present!

I'll apologise about my hair now, you might find it boring because i'm one of those people who always have the same style, I know its bad but thats just me!

Ohhh, and my glasses. well there's a long story about them but i'll cut it short. Basically I went over a year at school knowing a couldn't really see well but I didn't do anything about it (I know that was really stupid and right now you're probably laughing at me) so after a really embarassing french lesson where I couldn't see to read this passage off the board, I told my Mum I couldn't really see, she laughed, we went to the opticians and they told me I was very short sighted and I got glasses. I might take them off for some pictures, but thats the story anyway! My advice to you is, if you can't see then do something about it!

People probably aren't gonna take me seriously now but what's the point in a blog if you don't tell the truth?!

:-) xxxxx

Happy New Year!!!

Hi I know this is late but i'll say it anyway, so Hapy New Year!!

Just to let you know, i'm currently trying to change and improve my blog to make it -hopefully- a million times better. I'm planning on including more of my own photos and outfits so it is more personal and less about celebrities. Well trust me to get the idea a day before the holidays are over so I don't have any time, but I WILL make it work, promise, just might take a while! I'm gonna go and sort out some photos so thanks to anyone who actually reads this and i'm hoping in a few months time way more people are gonna know about my blog! Byeeeee! & thanks for reading but I doubt there's many of you!
:-) xx

Monday 3 January 2011

Whoooa? Cher, style change?

Cher Lloyd has been pictured performing at a number of gigs since The X Factor finished and we have noticed a bit of a change in her style but Style.Warriors love it, its just so 2011!

Last night Cher arrived to her Gig at 'Funky Mojo' in Essex with a very different hairstyle, her hair is much more red and curly than on X Factor and she has styled it like a Mohican. We think this completely suits Cher's urban look and whats better than a new hairstyle to kick off the new year?

It seems to us that since leaving X Factor Cher is much more sure of herself and now her personal style is evolving, we just know that 2011 is going to be Cher's year to smash it!